Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hello class !:)

Hello I'm Juan Jesús Romero. I'm 14 years old and mi birthay is 22 of december.
I am tall, mi hair is long and brown.
I love the sport especially the motorbikes, This moment isn't the best year of motorcycle races because the last weekend Marcos Simoncelli, a pilot of Moto GP die in a race and this is very bad...
I love the music louder and this is one of my favourite songs in english...

Byee !:)


  1. Hi, Juan Jesús! I like the song, too. Were you watching TV when the bad motorbike accident happened? It is so sad!

  2. Hello Elena, I wasn't watching TV on the moement of the tragedy, when I wake up my family tell my the probles and it's really really sad... :S

  3. david guetta is worse than melendi


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